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Don’t assume life, life is more than assumptions!
Quotes by Raphael JL.
What you know remains powerful and relevant to you as long as nothing new and more powerful than what you know gets into your mind, because when it does changes are unkwepable
Asking questions is a key to wisdom, but;
There is wisdom of this world, Romans 12:2
There is divine wisdom
Some questions have no answers
Asking the right question in a right way to the right person at the time having the right intention must make you a very dangerous person.
Akasema, enenda zako, ee Daniel; Maana maneno haya YAMEFUNGWA, na KUTIWA MUHURI, hata wakati wa mwisho. Wengi watajitakasa, na kujifanya weupe, na kusafika, bali wabaya watatenda mabaya; wala hawataelewa mtu mbaya awaye yote; bali walio na hekima ndio watakoelewa”
 Daniel 12:9
Mathayo 13:10, 18

Kama hauna shauku ya kuelewa………. kujifunza.


The source must be reliable, trust worth
Reliability is the function of tract records and
The source must have authority and power
Information is any entity or form that resolves uncertainty or provides the answer to a question of some kind.
It is thus related to data ad knowledge as data represents values attributed to parameters, and knowledge signifies understanding of real things or abstract concepts.
To give form to the mind, form a picture or an idea to the mind.
Information is everything, anything you hear, perceive, sense feel, taste, see or believe in form of image or number or text or thought or sign/symbol.
Information is the  most single important crucial and significant concept in human endeavors and development
Information reduces uncertainty and errors, the more uncertainty it is the more information is required to solve it.
So anyone with right information is a very relevant person in the whole world and in specific places
Is an influence that leads to transformation?


Effect that add value to you and other people’s purpose, vision, adding value to your destiny, that is life. Call this effect positive.
Effects that takes away or reduce value from you and other people, detrimental. Call this negative effect.
What matters is the fact that any effect impact our lifestyle now or later in some ways.


Good information
Bad information
Right information
Wrong information
Lying information
True information
1 Timotheo 4:1-5
Deceiving spirits in operation
Teachings of demos
Pretense will control
Died consciences in control
A lot of prohibition on food, marriage.

Information age

Proverb 1:18-32
Silence truth by injustice
Everything about God plain and clear, His invisible divine qualities-eternal power and divine nature through His creation
Not honoring God makusidically
The age full of pointless reasoning
Moral corrupted creation, process, means worship
Acknowledging God
Mwanzo 4:
Walio ingia kaanani walikuwa ni wengi (wawili kutoka misri na wengine kizazi kilichozaliwa njiani)

Mathayo 2
Mwanzo 3:13-

 Novus ordo seclorum     Meaning “New order of the age   "New world order"

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